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Thursday, January 6, 2022


*Heb 6:1 let us go on unto perfection*

If there is one problem the Christian faith is encountering today it is the issue of lack of spiritual maturity, many have refused to grow thus remaining the same way every year.

Same sinful habits, same words, attitude, lifestyle and same character, sometimes you are tempted to ask, does this person really have the spirit of God or are they genuinely saved?, but the reason is because many have a wrong view of the Christian life, they think becoming a christian is call to church going, rendering good service and more activities but little do they know that the call to spiritual maturity is a life that press on perfection (maturity) in walking and pleasing The Lord Jesus in all things. 

This was the same issue encountered by the Hebrew Christian's who felt it was OK to retreat into there old life of sin, legalism, bondage and Jewish mystic rituals but always remember in pressing on to spiritual maturity there is no middle ground or retreat, you are either abounding more and more as Paul tells them in 1Thes 4:1 or you are amounting to nothing in the kingdom of God, this is the kind of Christian life The Lord Jesus calls us to live were our desires will be to look out for what pleases The Lord, it is the heart that is *"renewed in the spirit of your mind; And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness. Wherefore putting away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbour: for we are members one of another"*. (Eph 4:23-25)

Spiritual maturity doesn't happen in one day, it takes a process of continue dependency on The Lord, you might have several falls as a baby does but you don't remain there just like the little baby who's aim is to walk after several months of crawling, you keep pressing on until your feet is made stronger to walk maturely. 

Many many professing Christian think they will be spiritually matured even If they keep planting the wrong seed of malice, anger, jealousy, immorality, pornography, series of abortion, homosexuality, incest,greed, lust,drunkenness, orgies,hypocrisy, pride and selfishness, No sir/ma, it doesn't work that way, whatever you sow is what you would reap, see. Gal 6:7-8. 

God wants his body to press unto perfection in this New Year which takes willful decisions and right choices on your part, remember God won't make your choices for you but as you desire to obey him, his Spirit will guide and strengthen you through it all. 

Walk in The Spirit, it is called the spirit driven life. 

May The Lord be gracious to you as you press unto maturity. Amen. 

*#PureGraceDevotional+120* A.S Chima